Toggyhead              Buyingheading



Some General Information:


The dairy goat is an ideal family dairy animal which is easily handled and can be kept on small parcels of land.  It is alert, intelligent, socially inclined and affectionate. A loving and loved animal, it returns the cost of its feed in a valuable and healthy food product. Its delicious milk, produced so economically, is wholesome and nutritious. 



The female dairy goat is a doe over two years of age, a buck is an adult male goat over two years of age, a goatling is a doe over twelve months and under two years, a buckling is a male over twelve months and under two years and a kid is under twelve months old. A castrated male is a wether.

Their life span is eight to twelve years, on average. 



Dairy goats are usually seasonal breeders. Most breeding occurs in late summer through early winter. The goat has an 18-21 day oestrus cycle or "season." The doe's "season" lasts from a few hours to two or three days. The gestation period is five months. Twins are common, but single or triplet births are not rare.



Bucks have a strong musk-like odour during breeding season, but are not offensive with proper management. The doe has no odour at any time. Many small herds do not keep a buck if stud services are available from other local herds. Only bucks from high quality parents should be kept  for breeding purposes. 



          mother and babies   Can I get closer   Boy and his goat


BUT before you rush out and buy a goat please read this page carefully and the page on Goat Care and Health and always remember to ONLY BUY FROM A REGISTERED BREEDER and seriously consider applying for your own membership of the DGSA

There are state and federal laws regarding the sale and movement of livestock and you need to be aware of the obligations on you as the purchaser and on the person selling you an animal.   See: and click on South Australia.

All properties where animals are kept must have a PIC (Property Identification Code). For information about obtaining a PIC and the requirement to have one, refer to .

It is your right and duty to ask to see the current test results for both CAE and Johne's Disease before purchase of a goat (see the Health Regulations page).

Also, read the "Goat Health Brochure' produced by Animal Health Australia



Contact the Society Secretary or Publicity Officer or look in the 'Studs of South Australia' pages to talk about goats and find out where you might start looking for your first goat. You can also find out where your nearest member lives for local advice and close help when you bring your goat home. The more information you can gather from experienced breeders, the less trouble and the more enjoyment you will get out of your goat ownership.




Glenforslan Twiggy  

 Glenforslan Twiggy

"I bought Twiggy from Rosalie Skipper in July 2007, as a young mated goatling.  On 2nd December 2007 she kidded one buck kid and has been in milk ever since.  When I took this photo she had been in milk for four years.  I used to milk her twice a day for the first year or so, then cut down to mornings only because it suited my schedule better.  She still gives about 3 - 4 litres every morning, and shows no sign of abating. 

My goats don't have any special care, although they are well fed - crushed oats every morning and lucerne or mixed grain hay at all times, mineral lick blocks, and they have the run of a large paddock during the day.  

I guess Twiggy would be a good example for potential goat owners  to see, because she exemplifies the value of buying a well-bred doe to start with. Then, if they are well fed and cared for, they don't need to be mated every year to keep producing milk."         


                                                                        Jennifer Watkins,  Port Lincoln